जवाहरलाल नेहरू यूनिवर्सिटी में हंगामा, हिंसा और अराजकता का दौर पिछले करीब तीन महीने से चल रहा है। यहां वामपंथी छात्र नेताओं के बहकावे में छात्रों का एक गुट लगातार यूनिवर्सिटी प्रशासन के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन कर रहा है। गुरुवार को जवाहरलाल नेहरू यूनिवर्सिटी टीचर्स फेडरेशन (JNUTF) ने प्रेस स्टेटमेंट जारी कर अक्टूबर से चल रहे इस हंगामे की क्रोनोलॉजी बताई।
JNUTF मुताबिक छात्रों का यह हंगामा पिछले वर्ष 28 अक्टूबर को शुरू हुआ था। जेएनयू में Inter Hall Administration (IHA) की मीटिंग चल रही थी, तभी छात्र नेताओं के साथ बड़ी संख्या में बेकाबू छात्र वहां पहुंच गए और नारेबाजी करने लगे। इसी दौरान दोपहर को डीन की तबीयत बिगड़ गई और विश्वविद्यलाय के हेल्थ सेंटर के डॉक्टरों ने उन्हें तत्काल Indian Institute of Spinal Injury में दाखिल कराने को कहा। लेकिन हंगामा कर रहे छात्रों ने उनकी एंबुलेंस को घेर लिया और शाम तक उन्हें निकलने नहीं दिया। इसके बाद पुलिस को बुलाया गया, तब डीन को अस्पताल ले जाया जा सका। इसके बाद 29 अक्टूबर को विश्वविद्यालय की तरफ से छात्रों के खिलाफ शिकायत दर्ज कराई गई। लेकिन इससे छात्र भड़क गए और उहोंने लगभग सभी शैक्षणिक कॉम्पलेक्स के प्रवेश द्वारों को जबरन बंद कर दिया।
JNUTF के मुताबिक इसके बाद छात्र बेकाबू होते गए और उन्होंने हॉस्टलों के वार्डन और उनके परिजनों को घेरना शुरू कर दिया। वार्डन्स और प्रोफेसरों के घेराव का ये सिलसिला लगातार ऐसे ही चलता रहा। 11 नवंबर को उग्र छात्रों ने जेएनयू के कन्वोकेशन सेरेमनी स्थल के बाहर जबरदस्त प्रदर्शन किया और एचआरडी मिनिस्टर समेत तमाम लोगों को घंटों वहां घेरे रखा। तब पहली बार ये मामला मीडिया की सुर्खियों में आया। इसके बाद 13 नवंबर को प्रदर्शनकारी छात्रों ने प्रशासनिक भवन, वीसी ऑफिस में तोड़फोड़ की और स्वामी विवेकानंद की मूर्ति को तोड़ दिया। छात्रों के प्रदर्शन का ये सिलसिला ऐसे ही जारी रहा।
तीन और चार जनवरी को प्रदर्शनकारी छात्रों ने विश्वविद्यालय के सर्वर रूम को निशाना बनाया और उसमें तोड़फोड़ कर, उसे बंद कर दिया। इससे छात्रों के रजिस्ट्रेशन की प्रक्रिया ठप हो गई। इस दौरान छात्रों के दो गुटों में हल्की-फुल्की भिड़ंत भी हुई। वहीं 5 जनवरी को नकाबपोश लोगों ने उन छात्रों को निशाना बनाया जिन्होंने पंजीकरण का बहिष्कार करने वाले छात्रों को रोका था।
और जानकारी के लिए पढ़िए JNUTF का प्रेस स्टेटमेंट …
The Chronology of JNU violence 2020
Posted byjnutf9th Jan 2020Posted inUncategorized
Press Statement January 09, 2020
The following is the brief chronological account of incidents that have happened since October 28, 2019:
10 am: Inter Hall Administration (IHA) meeting at 10 a.m. in the Convention Hall, JNU was disrupted by an unruly, slogan shouting, drum beating and physically assaulting mob of students led by some student leaders.
12 pm: the health of the Dean of Students (DoS) deteriorated. The on-duty doctor of the University Health Centre referred him to admit him to Indian Institute of Spinal Injury, immediately. However, the visiting doctor was obstructed in performing her duty. The protesting students gheraoed and hijacked the ambulance and forcefully till 06:20 p.m.
DoS called police PCR, that came and gone
DoS filed a formal police complaint against the violent behaviour of students observed on October 28, 2019. Entrance of most of the academic complexes was locked illegally by the protesting students.
Lohit and Koyna wardens were gheraoed at their houses during the late hours of night. One of the wardens was pregnant and the others too had small children who faced tremendous mental torture due to this unruly behaviour of the students. The wardens called JNU Security and Police, however did not receive conducive support.
Narmada, Shipra and Sabarmati wardens were gheraoed at their houses during late night hours. Again, their families had to face life-threatening situation, but no security/police help was provided despite calling PCR.
DoS’ wife had to face personal attacks and trolling on social media. This was a well-planned psychological attack by the students to bring the DoS under pressure and obstruct him from discharging his duties, normally.
The IHA office was illegally locked by the agitators. Officers and staff were threatened with dire consequences and forcefully asked to vacate their work stations.
Chandrabhaga and Mahi-Mandavi hostel wardens were gheraoed at their houses during the late night. The Mahi-Mandavi warden belonging to minority community had to face slogans like, “Gaddar”. No security/police support was provided despite making repeated calls for safety and security.
Tapti hostel warden was gheraoed at his house and faced a life-threatening situation.
Narmada, Periyar, Kaveri and Jhelum hostel wardens and their families were gheraoed at their residences and faced the life-threatening situation. PCR called, that came and left.
All provosts were gheraoed at their houses by the students and did not receive any security/police support.
All Provosts along with the senior wardens of their respective Khands were gheraoed inside different hostels from 10am to 3pm. They were forced by the agitating students to sign pre-drafted documents/ minutes of the meeting/ resignation letters against their will and wisdom.
Periyar hostel warden was gheraoed at his house. No security or police support was provided.
Dr. Vandana Mishra (Assistant Professor at School of International Studies) was gheraoed and kept hostage for over 29 hours in the SIS II building, in her class-room. She was physically assaulted and mentally tormented by the protesting students in the most shocking manner. After a series of requests to the Delhi Police, finally few police officials arrived in the civil dress and instead of taking an appropriate action against the protesting students to release Dr. Mishra, they tried to intervene in a different manner wherein they asked Dr. Mishra to sign whatever the students were asking for. After a lot of efforts, she had has been released with police help.
The students gheraoed the convocation ceremony of the university and created a state of panic and severe law and order situation. Honourable HRD minister and other dignitaries were stuck and had to face the grave situation created by the students.
VC office, administrative building and Swami Vivekananda statue were vandalised by the students in an unprecedented manner.
Since 13.11.2019 entire campus has been painted with ideologically provoking and demeaning slogans. Majority of the academic complexes have been illegally locked by the agitators. Students, teachers and staff members are being threatened for attending classes/ offices/ examinations et al giving rise to a situation in which discharging one’s duty became impossible.
Academic atmosphere has been vitiated by the agitators since then. It has also become difficult to take scheduled examinations and the fear of the lapse of the semester looms large on the horizon.
Female security officers were beaten up mercilessly by the agitating students at the administrative block while they were only doing performing their duties.
Prof. Atul Kumar Johri was heckled, manhandled, chased, abused and physically assaulted by a group of violent agitators.
Violent agitators tried to disrupt examination of engineering students scheduled in the School of Physical Sciences (SPS) and vandalised the laboratories. The agitators threatened the examinees, examiners, invigilators and tried to destroy the answer scripts.
A group of violent agitators tried to disrupt the examination of ‘Bhasha Indonesia’ that was scheduled in the School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies. The examinees, Examiners were threatened for life.
Violent agitators tried to disrupt examination of engineering students scheduled in the School of Physical Sciences (SPS). The agitators threatened the examinees, examiners, invigilators for life.
Prof. Umesh Ashok Kadam has been gheraoed and physically assaulted in the convention centre by the violent agitators.
The honourable High Court of Delhi directs the Delhi Police to give protection to the University officials and to vacate the administrative and academic complexes.
Despite the presence of the Delhi police in civil dress since 12th December, the Vice Chancellor along with other University officials was attacked by a mob of around forty miscreants. The office of the Vice Chancellor was vandalised by them, while the police remained a mute spectator.
Communication and Information Services (CIS) server was forcefully shut down by masked miscreants led by an Ex-JNUSU president to disrupt the registration process. The system was restored on 4th morning
Communication and Information Services (CIS) server was severely vandalised by masked miscreants resulting into disruption of registration and internet services
Teachers and students abused, heckled and physically assaulted in front of SIS and SLL&CS
Masked miscreants targeted students who defied the diktats of boycotting registration at the administration building.
Masked miscreants barged into Periyar Hostel and mercilessly assaulted a number of inmates.
Masked miscreants barged into Sabarmati Hostel and mercilessly assaulted a number of inmates. Two of the Sabarmati hostel wardens were beaten and chased by the masked assaulters
A number of students and teachers were injured.
Since 29th October 2019, there have been sporadic attacks on teachers and their families and university officials at their workplace on a regular basis. The repeated appeal by the university officials to the local police and individual complaints in the police station by the teachers have not been taken seriously and the police has not intervened and acted timely to prevent recurrence of such violent incidents on the campus. All this has created an environment of fear in the campus.
JNUTF appeals to every stakeholder to cooperate with the law enforcement agencies. The perpetrators of violence must be booked. JNUTF also appeals the JNU community to leave the past behind and restore the academic environment of JNU for which the University is widely acknowledged. Any short of differences should be resolved through debate and discussion. Let us understand the right to protest does not include right to prevent.