कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी ने मलेशिया की राजधानी कुआलालंपुर में भारतीय समुदाय के लोगों के साथ बातचीत में कहा कि नोटबंदी एक अच्छी पहल नहीं थी। यदि वह देश के प्रधानमंत्री होते तो नोटबंदी के प्रस्ताव को कचरे के डिब्बे में फेंक देते।
.@OfficeOfRG said if he were the Prime Minister he would have thrown the proposal of demonetisation in the "dustbin."https://t.co/SrO5IlJg5u
— News18 (@CNNnews18) 10 March 2018
दरअसल राहुल गांधी अक्सर ऐसी बातें करते हैं जिससे उनकी फजीहत हो जाती है। उनके अगर मैं प्रधानमंत्री होता… वाले बयान पर उन्हें ट्विटर पर जमकर ट्रोल किया जा रहा है। आइये देखते हैं कुछ प्रतिक्रियाएं-
This was the reason why Congress and Pappu Rahul Gandhi family did not constitute SIT inspite of Supreme Court direction for black money, did not notify Benami property Act even after 28 years of passing it. So Congress culture was to prompt loot, ghotala corruption.They did it.
— suresh lal prasad (@suresh_lal) 10 March 2018
Like he did the ordinance in a PC
— Ramesh Babu (@actuallycitizen) 10 March 2018
@OfficeOfRG is suffering from decease called open eye dreams.
There is no IF, U never will be PM#PaPpu— Bobby P (@p_mauhar) 10 March 2018
Thats the reason , you are not the prime minister and now ur mom said some one else may lead the @INCIndia for 2019.
— समोहम् सर्व भूतेषु (@LaxmanBinani) 10 March 2018
And precisely this is the reason why he will never be in PMO as a PM. He believes in rhetoric & no answer so he can talk any nonsense as long as he has sycophants to please him. He needs to get some sense in his act & talk before he is taken seriously.
— Kuntal Sen (@kuntalsen) 10 March 2018
This is right because your all corrupt friends, you , Jijas, your party , you own all black money gone in single day. ???? how u can ममी मारती नहीं .
— Kuldeep Kumar (@kuldeepkumarin) 10 March 2018