उद्धव ठाकरे की मुम्बई पुलिस जिस तरह बुधवार सुबह रिपब्लिक टीवी के पत्रकार अर्नब गोस्वामी को गिरफ्तार करके ले गई वो लोकतंत्र पर कुठाराघात है, संविधान पर हमला है और मीडिया की स्वतंत्रता की हत्या है। स्वतंत्र मीडिया के समर्थक सभी पत्रकार महाराष्ट्र की शिवसेना सरकार के खिलाफ अपना रोष जता रहे हैं। लेकिन इस सबके बीच कांग्रेस के करीबी कुछ ऐसे पक्षकार भी हैं जो पार्टी कार्यकर्ता की तरह बर्ताव कर रहे हैं। मुखौटा पहनकर प्रोपेगैंडा फैलाने वाले इन पक्षकारों का चेहरा सबके सामने है… आप भी पहचान लीजिए…
Arnab Goswami gets press freedom defence. Sure enough. But what about the rights of the victim & mom who took lives in early 2018 after Arnab allegedly failed to pay ₹5.40 crore he owed? Wife, it seems, had filed case against Arnab in May 2018 & it was BJP in power both places!
— Vinod K. Jose (@vinodjose) November 4, 2020
पुलिस का जबरदस्ती घर में घुसना अगर गलत है तो फिर उन पत्रकारों को क्या कहेंगे जो जबरदस्ती रिया चक्रवती के घर घुस रहे थे, गाड़ियों के पीछे भाग रहे थे, गार्ड को सता रहे थे..अदालत में साबित होने से पहले 302 302 की माँग कर रहे थे..
अगर आपने यह नहीं किया होता तो दूसरे पर सवाल उठा सकते
— sohit mishra (@sohitmishra99) November 4, 2020
Arnab’s arrest is wrong only because it seems to stem from a place of vendetta instead of an extensive police investigation into the suicide case. But vendetta is something Arnab should be familiar with. He has unleashed it on several ordinary citizens for a while now…
— Rohini Singh (@rohini_sgh) November 4, 2020
Journalists are speaking up for #ArnabGoswami; something he never did when other media houses were hounded and journalists were manhandled over the past few years.
— Anita Joshua (@anitajoshua) November 4, 2020
Family of Anvay Naik fights for justice. Press Freedom is essential to democracy. So is a fight for justice in an alleged abetment to suicide case. Let the courts be the judge, not us. https://t.co/5NsV1yORKg
— Sanket Upadhyay (@sanket) November 4, 2020
If you cannot differentiate between a journalist and a suparibaaz, I have nothing to say! #ArnabGoswamiArrested
— nikhil wagle (@waglenikhil) November 4, 2020
Those who are claiming or suggesting that Arnab Goswami is a journalist are actively spreading misinformation.
— Pratik Sinha (@free_thinker) November 4, 2020
अर्नब गोस्वामी के साथ ऐसा क्यों हुआ? क्या है पूरा मामला! इस केस का फ्रीडम ऑफ़ प्रेस से कोई लेना देना नहीं। रिपब्लिक मत देखना, वो फिर गुमराह करेगा। अर्नब ने वो कौन सा अपराध किया था जिससे अब तक वो बच रहा था? सच यहाँ देखें #ArnabGoswamiArrested
लिंक- https://t.co/Jw1xOuO7JB pic.twitter.com/QLDlNhweHj— Sakshi Joshi (@sakshijoshii) November 4, 2020
खुशी है अर्णब की गिरफ्तारी पर मंत्री बोल रहे हैं/काश ये तब भी बोलते जब दूसरे पत्रकार गिरफ़्तार हो रहे थे/ देशद्रोह का मुकदमा दर्ज हो रहा था तो शायद फासीवाद नहीं आता । #RepublicWitchhunt #RepublicTV #Republic @PrakashJavdekar @rsprasad https://t.co/Un87ArUamJ via @SatyaHindi
— ashutosh (@ashutosh83B) November 4, 2020
वो पत्रकार नहीं है , नहीं है , नहीं है।
— Vinod Kapri (@vinodkapri) November 4, 2020
Yes I completely agree with you @waglenikhil. #ArnabGoswami has been arrested in a criminal case and he should seek legal remedies available to every citizen of India. The current case has nothing to do with his journalism, if someone thinks he is doing journalism. https://t.co/g6mhfzd3cK
— Qamar Waheed Naqvi (@qwnaqvi) November 4, 2020
Television Journalists Association, Maharashtra stated, arrest of #ArnabGoswami is an individual case related to abatement for suicide. His arrest is nothing to do journalism. Everyone is equal before the law. Let the law take its own course. Truth will prevail. @NewIndianXpress
— Sudhir Suryawanshi (@ss_suryawanshi) November 4, 2020
Lots of huffing & puffing about press freedom on #ArnabGoswami arrest. Let us huff & puff equally loudly for #SudhaBharadwaj #StanSwamy #AnandTeltumbde, students, journalists, activists, many in jail under draconian anti terror laws, repeatedly denied bail. Democracy is for all
— Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) November 4, 2020
Mumbai Police has every right to investigate/reinvestigate every case. In fact, a case where a person took his life should be probed extensively and culprits punished. But then what purpose is served by indulging in theatrics? Serve notice, arrest if not cooperating!
— Raj Shekhar Jha (@rajshekharTOI) November 4, 2020
BIG BJP ministers are openly supporting a channel head even as he is embroiled in an abetment to suicide case.
These minsters remain mum when poor local journos of UP and other states were arrested/booked for real journalism.
— Kanchan Srivastava (@Ms_Aflatoon) November 4, 2020
Arnab Goswami is responsible for suicide of my father & grandmother. I was also intimidated and stalked when I pursued the case: Adya Naik, daughter of Anvay Naik.
— Jitendra Dixit/जीतेन्द्र दीक्षित (@jitendradixit) November 4, 2020