चीन के साथ सीमा विवाद के बीच प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी आज शु्क्रवार को अचानक लेह के दौरे पर पहुंचे हैं। प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने इस दौरान जवानों से मुलाकात की और तैयारियों का जायजा भी लिया। प्रधानमंत्री मोदी की यह लेह यात्रा उनके वहां पहुंचते ही सोशल मीडिया पर टॉप ट्रेंड करने लगा।
Leading from the front.
Prime Minister Shri @NarendraModi Ji with our brave and courageous personnel of Army, Air Force & ITBP at a forward location in Ladakh.
This visit of honourable PM will surely boost the morale of our valorous soldiers. #ModiInLeh pic.twitter.com/UCvqyXdwtu
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) July 3, 2020
A true leader always leads from the front. PM @narendramodi‘s presence in Ladakh is a stern message to those countries who hatch evil designs on India’s territorial integrity & sovereignty.
The entire Nation stands with our great Armed Forces. #ModiinLeh pic.twitter.com/0q1hAO04KU
— Sarbananda Sonowal (@sarbanandsonwal) July 3, 2020
Hon’ble PM Shri @narendramodi is presently at one of the forward locations in Nimu.He is interacting with personnel of the Army, Air Force & ITBP. Located at 11,000 feet, this is among the tough terrains, surrounded by the Zanskar range and on the banks of the Indus. #ModiInLeh pic.twitter.com/abq7ZPy04a
— GVL Narasimha Rao (@GVLNRAO) July 3, 2020
Hey China, India doesn’t give a free walk anymore.
There is a firewall called PM @narendramodi backed by his soldiers & 130cr Indians.
जय हिंद ??#PMinLeh #ModiinLeh#ChinaVsWorld pic.twitter.com/j9awa4vQ8D— Parvesh Sahib Singh (@p_sahibsingh) July 3, 2020
How’s the JOSH ?#ModiInLaddakh #ModiinLeh pic.twitter.com/P3J2Hbs14z
— Sunil Deodhar (@Sunil_Deodhar) July 3, 2020
Prime Minister @narendramodi ji’s Surprise visit to Leh is very important in sending a stern message and to show solidarity with our Armed Forces #ModiInLeh pic.twitter.com/uZ1MRjWOgv
— zafar sareshwala (@zafarsareshwala) July 3, 2020
Hon’ble PM @narendramodi ji pays a surprise visit to forward position in Nimu, Ladak.The message is loud and clear. It’s not the India of 1962. #ModiinLeh pic.twitter.com/jrDFezFJuT
— K Surendran (@surendranbjp) July 3, 2020
PM @narendramodi reached Ladakh early this morning & was given a joint briefing by the Indian Army, Indian Air Force & the Indo-Tibetan Border Police at a forward location in Nimu. #ModiinLeh will also interact with troops & meet our injured soldiers. Massive morale booster!! pic.twitter.com/t69PKQpLlt
— Priti Gandhi – प्रीति गांधी (@MrsGandhi) July 3, 2020
PM Shri @narendramodi has reached Leh along with CDS. The message is clear to China. This is not the India of 1962. He is standing strongly behind the army and every soldier. Dare not look at India with bad eyes. The PM is leading from the front. #ModiInLeh pic.twitter.com/pKLceVst7v
— Punit Agarwal (@Punitspeaks) July 3, 2020
This is what ‘Leadership is’;
“Leading from the front”#ModiInLeh#Ladakh pic.twitter.com/d9P9A4GoHC
— Y. Satya Kumar (@satyakumar_y) July 3, 2020
ये नया हिंदुस्तान है
ताक़त और हिम्मत
अब मेरी पहचान है,
मोदी इसके प्रहरी है
राष्ट्र में निष्ठा गहरी है
मोदी जी यूँ ही नही राष्ट्र के प्रधान सेवक हैं, शिखर पर जाकर उन्होंने अपने जज्बे को दिखाया है।#ModiinLeh pic.twitter.com/VwBLc7p5uF— Ameeta Sinh (@ameetasinh) July 3, 2020
स्थान- नीमू, लेह
ऊंचाई-11 हजार फीट
महत्व-सेना का फॉरवर्ड पोस्ट
उद्देश्य-सेना की तैयारियों का जायजा#PMinLeh #ChinaWillPay #IndianArmy pic.twitter.com/l9CT0crNX5— shyam kishore sahay (@shyamksahay) July 3, 2020